
Born in Mallorca (Spain) in 1979. Attends Medium Grade euphonium and trombone at the Professional Conservatory of Palma de Mallorca, and finishes his euphonium Medium Grade with Honorus, and the “First Prize”(1997). Continues at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, where ends two separate Higher Degrees with Honorus and First Honor Awards (euphonium in 2000, and trombone in 2002).
-Their euphonium teachers in Spain have been Antoni Roig, Miguel Moreno, and David Llàcer, besides having been taught by Maurice André, Michel Becquet, Thomas Rüedi, Brian Bowman, Shoichiro Hokazono and Steven Mead.
-He has been JONC titular trombone (Catalonian Young Orchestra, since 1998 to 2000), and the JONDE (Spanish Young Orchestra, since 2001 to 2002).
-He has collaborated with the Chamber Orchestra “Illa de Mallorca”, Bilbao Symphonic Orchestra, the Castilla Leon Symphonic Orchestra.
-Since 2001 to 2005 he has been soloist euphonium civil servant in the Civil Windband from Bilbao (Basque Country), also euphonium and trombone teacher at the Conservatory of Bilbao and Leioa.
-Since 2005 he’s the soloist euphonium civic servant in the Civil Municipal Band from Palma de Mallorca, with whom he has performed as a soloist. (Bourgeois, Curnow, Boccalari, Sparke).
-In 2010, he won 1st Prize in the “Jeju International Brass Competition”. In 2011 he became “Besson Euphonium Artist” and a member of “Besson Euphonium & Tuba Ensemble”.
-He attended the “International Tuba & Euphonium Conference” (2012 in Linz), as a Guest Artist , and played a recital with piano at the Brucknerhaus, and also as a guest artist the encounters organized by the “Spanish Tuba and Euphonium Association” (AETYB) in Barcelona 2014 and Valencia 2016.
-He has been the Euphonium teacher in the “Brass Academy Alicante”, (2011-2013), he has also taught courses in Spain, Portugal and France, and he is the Euphonium and Tuba teacher at the Superior Conservatory of Balearic Islands (2012-)